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Greetings Bold font

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Greetings Bold font

greetings-bold fontgreetings-bold font biggreetings-bold font textgreetings-bold font 1

Greetings Bold font zip file contents

Font NameDateFile Size
GREEB___.ttf 2007-12-15 78 KB
GREETING.ttf 2007-12-15 79 KB
Greetings_ReadMe.txt 2012-12-10 821 B

Greetings Bold font

Font Details


Keith Bates / K-Type © 2001, 2007 (version 3.03)
www.k-type.com - info@k-type.com

Contemporary fonts with an old-fashioned feel, loosely inspired by the cover lettering of 'My Book About Christmas' by Joan Gale Thomas, 1946.


== Licence Information ==

Licence URL: http://www.k-type.com/licences


== Installing Fonts ==

Fonts are placed in your operating system's Fonts folder and will be made available to all the applications or programs you use.

= Windows =
Put the .ttf or .otf font file into C:\Windows\Fonts, or right-click on the font files > Install

= Mac =
Put the .ttf or .otf font file into /Library/Fonts


Greetings Bold font download, Greetings Bold font.