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DM Sans font

Sans Serif.TTF
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DM Sans is a low-contrast geometric sans serif design, intended for use at smaller text sizes.

DM Sans supports a Latin Extended glyph set, enabling typesetting for English and other Western European languages. It was designed by Colophon Foundry (UK), that started from the Latin portion of ITF Poppins , by Jonny Pinhorn.

The DM Sans project was commissoned by Google from Colophon , an international and award-winning type foundry based in London (UK) and Los Angeles (US) who publish and distribute high-quality retail and custom typefaces for analog and digital media. To contribute, see github.com/googlefonts/dm-fonts



Colophon Foundry

Principal design


Jonny Pinhorn

After completing an MA in Type Design at the University of Reading, Jonny went on to design Karla for Google Fonts. Karla is a popular and quirky sans-serif typeface that supports both Latin and Tamil scripts. His continued fascination with India and Indian languages led him to ITF, where he worked for three years. Jonny continues to work exclusively on Indic scripts—including Shrikhand  and Atithi  most recently.

Jonnypinhorn.co.uk  | GitHub  | Twitter


These fonts are licensed under the Open Font License .

You can use them freely in your products & projects - print or digital, commercial or otherwise. However, you can't sell the fonts on their own.

This isn't legal advice, please consider consulting a lawyer and see the full license for all details.

DM Sans font
DM Sans font download, DM Sans font.